Professional Dive Training & Certification with Tulamben Scuba

Become a PADI Certified Professional diver! get experience, knowledge and be ready to travel the world. Tulamben Scuba make diving training and certification fun

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Dive Course & Certification in Tulamben

Why choose a diving course in Tulamben with us ?

Tulamben is the best dive site in Bali. The clear waters and underwater beauty of Tulamben is a great location for Underwater Macro Photography. Tulamben is home to beautiful corals and a variety of beautiful marine life. You can see nudibranchia, harlequinn shrimp, hawksbill, lion fish, clown fish, bumphead fish, and grouper fish. You can also enjoy the beauty of the USAT Liberty Wreck, which is the wreck of an American warship that sank 50 years ago.

Located in Tulamben Village, Kubu District, Karangasem Regency. This amazing location is only about 3 hours from Denpasar. From Tulamben beach you can also enjoy views of the mighty Mount Agung, a volcano with a height of more than 3200 meters above sea level (10500 feet).

You will be accompanied by a certified local instructor who is very experienced. They are very friendly and understand the conditions and uniqueness of Tulamben. We guarantee an unforgettable experience

Testimonials of happy divers

Special Thanks to Yoggy for being the BEST INSTRUCTOR and his amazing team that are helpful and service minded! Very professional in every way from planning everything to teaching ut and giving feedvback ! strongly recommend visiting TULAMBEN SCUBA DIVE! You will experience a truly great of great diving sites, friends and community!

Thomas, Ireland

Insightfull and positive. Tahun 2020 saya menjalani pendidikan dan pelatihan diving bersama instruktur dari bali, I Ketut Tarma, Tidak ada diskusi sia-sia. Meski penuh canda tapi yg disampaikan jelas. Pembelajaran yang menyenangkan namun tegas, tidak menyimpang dari kaidah. Tidak pernah menyesal belajar bersama Tulamben Scuba. Bahkan saya ingin memperdalam ilmunya lahi. Terima kasih sudah membimbing dengan sabar dan nyaman. 

Kurniawan Wicaksana, Indonesia

What a nice experience with Tulamben Scuba. At first I didn’t think that old people who can’t swim like me can dive to enjoy the beauty of the Tulamben Sea. From the beginning, I just wanted to learn to dive until finally I took a diving certification here. The instructor is very patient and very friendly.

One of the Judges, Indonesia

Let us make your diving course experience fun & unforgettable

Your best diving course and certification in Bali is just one click away
or call/send whatsapp to +6281246406426